Climate Change

"Officials Vote To Cancel California Salmon Fishing Season"

"West Coast fishery managers have officially recommended the cancellation of California salmon fishing season this year. Thursday, the Pacific Fishery Management Council announced its decision to close commercial and recreational salmon fishing in California and most of Oregon until next spring to conserve the dwindling Chinook salmon population."

Source: SFGate, 04/11/2023

"Seas Have Drastically Risen Along Southern U.S. Coast In Past Decade"

"Scientists have documented an abnormal and dramatic surge in sea levels along the U.S. gulf and southeastern coastlines since about 2010, raising new questions about whether New Orleans, Miami, Houston and other coastal communities might be even more at risk from rising seas than once predicted."

Source: Washington Post, 04/11/2023

Earth Could Warm 3 Degrees if Nations Keep Building Coal Plants: Research

"Earth is on track to significantly overshoot a critical global climate target, largely because not enough coal-fired power plants are being retired, researchers warned in two new reports. Some nations are even planning new coal projects despite promising two years ago to begin reducing their use of the world’s dirtiest fossil fuel."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/11/2023


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