Climate Change

"Elderly Swiss Women Bring European Court's First Climate Case"

"Thousands of elderly Swiss women have joined forces in a groundbreaking case heard on Wednesday at the European Court of Human Rights, arguing that their government's "woefully inadequate" efforts to fight global warming violate their human rights."

Source: Reuters, 03/30/2023

Rising Antarctic Ice Melt Will Badly Slow Global Ocean Flows: Study

"Rapidly melting Antarctic ice is dramatically slowing down the flow of water through the world's oceans, and could have a disastrous impact on global climate, the marine food chain and even the stability of ice shelves, new research has found."

Source: Reuters, 03/30/2023

"EPA Cites 2 Oil And Gas Firms Over Permian Basin Pollution"

"Two Texas companies have resolved Clean Air Act violations with the Environmental Protection Agency by agreeing to reduce emissions of planet-warming methane and other harmful pollutants wafting from the nation’s largest oil and gas producing region."

Source: AP, 03/29/2023

"8th Circuit Delivers Climate Blow To Big Oil"

"Oil and gas companies on Thursday lost what may have been their best shot at creating disagreement between federal appeals courts — a key consideration for Supreme Court review — on a jurisdictional issue that has the potential to quash a broad set of climate challenges launched by local governments that want industry to pay up for the impacts of a warming planet."

Source: E&E News, 03/29/2023

Opinion: "I Am Haunted by What I Have Seen at Great Salt Lake"

"From a distance, it is hard to tell whether the three figures walking the salt playa are human, bird or some other animal. Through binoculars, I see they are pelicans, juveniles, gaunt and emaciated without water or food. In feathered robes, they walk with the focus of fasting monks toward enlightenment or death."

Source: NYTimes, 03/28/2023

Bill Aiming To Preserve Kentucky’s Coal Power Plants Becomes Law

"A bill that would make it harder for Kentucky’s utility regulator to allow utilities to retire coal plants on the state’s electricity grid became law Friday without Gov. Andy Beshear’s signature."

Source: States Newsroom, 03/28/2023


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