Climate Change

January 10, 2023 to January 12, 2023

2023 Ten Across Summit

Registration for journalists is free to attend Ten Across' third in-person summit, in Houston. Panels will examine pressing resilience, sustainability and equity issues impacting the region including climate change challenges related to water, heat and energy; infrastructure and equity; the future of democracy; and risk planning.


"Arizona Restricts Farming To Protect Groundwater Supply"

"The Arizona Department of Water Resources this week put a limit on the amount of land that can be watered, designating the Hualapai Valley as an irrigation non-expansion area. That means anyone who hasn’t farmed more than 2 acres there during the past five years can’t."

Source: AP, 12/23/2022

"Chile's Artisanal Fishermen Fear Die-Out As Trawling, Climate Bite"

"In small coves along Chile's Pacific coast, artisanal fishermen say life is becoming harder as industrial trawling depletes fish stocks even as they struggle to deal with climate impacts and economic headwinds like the high price of gasoline for boats."

Source: Reuters, 12/23/2022

"Groundwater in California’s Central Valley Disappearing At Alarming Rate"

"Scientists have discovered that the pace of groundwater depletion in California’s Central Valley has accelerated dramatically during the drought as heavy agricultural pumping has drawn down aquifer levels to new lows and now threatens to devastate the underground water reserves."

Source: LA Times, 12/23/2022


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