Climate Change

Oil Companies Must Set Aside More Money to Plug Wells, But It Won’t Be Enough

"For the first time in more than 60 years, the Bureau of Land Management will force oil and gas companies to set aside more money to guarantee they plug old wells, preventing them from leaking oil, brine and toxic or climate-warming gasses." "The new Bureau of Land Management regulation, which applies to nearly 90,000 wells on federal public land, is hampered by math errors and overly optimistic cost projections."

Source: ProPublica/Capital & Main, 04/23/2024

Top Louisiana University Lets Oil Firms Influence Research – For A Price

"Louisiana State University allowed Shell to influence studies after a $25m donation and sought funds from other fossil fuel firms".

Source: Guardian/Lens, 04/23/2024
April 25, 2024

Working 9 to 5: How to Turn Your Job Into a Force for Climate Action

Join Project Drawdown to explore how the workplace is the perfect place for climate solutions and how every employee in every job function has a role to play in creating change and connecting their job to climate action. 1:00 p.m. ET.


Biden Marks Earth Day By Announcing $7 Billion In Solar Power Grants

"President Joe Biden is marking Earth Day by announcing $7 billion in federal grants for residential solar projects serving 900,000-plus households in low- and middle-income communities. He also plans to expand his New Deal-style American Climate Corps green jobs training program."

Source: AP, 04/22/2024

Earth Day: A Senator More Than 50 Years Ago Got People Fighting For Planet

"Millions of people around the world will pause on Monday, at least for a moment, to mark Earth Day. It’s an annual event founded by people who hoped to stir activism to clean up and preserve a planet that is now home to some 8 billion humans and assorted trillions of other organisms."

Source: AP, 04/22/2024

"What Can ‘Green Islam’ Achieve in the World’s Largest Muslim Country?"

"The faithful gathered in an imposing modernist building, thousands of men in skullcaps and women in veils sitting shoulder to shoulder. Their leader took to his perch and delivered a stark warning. “Our fatal shortcomings as human beings have been that we treat the earth as just an object,” Grand Imam Nasaruddin Umar said. “The greedier we are toward nature, the sooner doomsday will arrive.”"

Source: NYTimes, 04/19/2024


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