Climate Change

"Environmental Groups File Lawsuit Over Trump Climate Actions"

"Environmental groups that vowed to fight President Donald Trump’s efforts to roll back his predecessor’s plans to curb global warming made good on their promise Wednesday, teaming up with an American Indian tribe to ask a federal court to block an order that lifts restrictions on coal sales from federal lands."

Source: AP, 03/30/2017

"Trump Signs Executive Order Unwinding Obama Climate Policies"

"President Trump, flanked by company executives and miners, signed a long-promised executive order on Tuesday to nullify President Barack Obama’s climate change efforts and revive the coal industry, effectively ceding American leadership in the international campaign to curb the dangerous heating of the planet."

Source: NY Times, 03/29/2017

"When Is It Time to Retreat from Climate Change?"

"Isle de Jean Charles, a stitch of land on the tattered southern fringe of Louisiana, is thin and getting thinner. Battered by storms and sea-level rise, and deprived of revitalizing sediment from the Mississippi River, its surface area has shrunk by ninety-eight per cent since 1955, and its remaining three hundred and twenty acres can flood in little more than a stiff breeze."

Source: New Yorker, 03/28/2017

Climate Change-Fueled Jet Stream Linked to Floods and Heatwaves: Study

"When Michael Mann goes before Congress Wednesday to testify on global warming, he'll be armed with one more piece of evidence that greenhouse gases from fossil fuel burning are fundamentally altering the climate and leading to life-threatening and costly extreme weather."

Source: InsideClimate News, 03/28/2017


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