Climate Change

"Thousands of U.S. Homes Have Flooded Over And Over Again. Here’s Where."

"Figures show that the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which covers millions of homeowners across the nation, now has on its books at least 44,000 structures where damage has been covered again and again by taxpayers, in some cases with cumulative payouts that exceed a property’s worth."

Source: Washington Post, 01/11/2024

"Lawmakers Brace For Last-Ditch Fight Over Riders, Cuts"

"House Republicans on Tuesday reaffirmed their commitment to fight for conservative policy riders in fiscal 2024 spending bills, incensing Democratic appropriators and raising the specter of yet another funding stopgap — or a partial shutdown."

Source: E&E News, 01/11/2024

"Norway Moves to Allow Seabed Mining Exploration"

"The Norwegian Parliament voted on Tuesday to authorize the opening of parts of the Norwegian Sea to seabed mining exploration, a move that reflects rising international demand for the metals needed to build batteries for electric vehicles worldwide."

Source: NYTimes, 01/10/2024

"U.S. Billion-Dollar Weather Disasters Set An All-Time Record In 2023"

"Led by a record-costly swarm of severe weather episodes, the contiguous United States suffered 28 billion-dollar weather disasters in 2023,  the highest number in inflation-adjusted data going back to 1980, according to NOAA. The former record was 22, set in 2020."

Source: Yale Climate Connections, 01/10/2024


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