Climate Change

Down Hundreds Of Staff, NWS ‘Teetering On The Brink Of Failure’ - Union

"After the onslaught of devastating hurricanes and wildfires, the United States is enduring one of its most costly years for extreme weather.  A near-record $16 billion weather disasters have ravaged the nation. Meanwhile, the National Weather Service workforce is spread razor thin, with hundreds of vacant forecast positions."

Source: Washington Post, 10/27/2017

"How Climate Change Is Playing Havoc With Olive Oil (and Farmers)"

"TREVI, Italy — It was in June, the time of year when the first olives normally burst from their blossoms in the mild warmth of early summer, when Irene Guidobaldi walked through her groves in blistering heat and watched in horror as the flowers on her trees began to wither and fall."

Source: NY Times, 10/25/2017


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