Climate Change

"EPA Defies Automakers by Keeping Efficiency Standards Intact"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it’s keeping vehicle efficiency standards intact through the 2025 model year, shoring up a key piece of President Barack Obama’s environmental legacy against a challenge by the incoming administration."

Source: Bloomberg, 01/16/2017

Scientists Say Cost of Global Warming Is Underestimated

"How we view the costs of future climate change, and more importantly how we quantify them, may soon be changing. A much-anticipated new report, just released by the National Academy of Sciences, recommends major updates to a federal metric known as the “social cost of carbon” —  and its suggestions could help address a growing scientific concern that we’re underestimating the damages global warming will cause."

Source: Wash Post, 01/13/2017

"New Pipeline Protest Models Itself On Dakota Access Fight"

"A new front has opened in the fight against the developer of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The battleground this time is rural west Texas, where a small, yet intense opposition to building the Trans-Pecos Pipeline has gained force in recent days."

Source: Huffington Post, 01/13/2017

Alaskan Village, Citing Climate Change, Seeks Disaster Aid To Relocate

"The tiny village of Newtok near Alaska's western coast has been sliding into the Ninglick River for years. As temperatures increase — faster there than in the rest of the U.S. — the frozen permafrost underneath Newtok is thawing. ... Now, in an unprecedented test case, Newtok wants the federal government to declare these mounting impacts of climate change an official disaster."

Source: NPR, 01/12/2017

Tillerson Admits Climate Risk, Avoids Exxon’s Role In Sowing Doubt

"Secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson on Wednesday said he believes 'the risk of climate change does exist, and the consequences could be serious enough that action should be taken.' But while the Obama administration and other world leaders have aggressively pursued efforts to slash carbon dioxide emissions and stave off global warming, the former ExxonMobil chief executive expressed little such urgency when testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Capitol Hill Wednesday."

Source: Wash Post, 01/12/2017


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