"There Is Still Time: To Look at the Big Picture...and Act"
"Rajiv Singh started thinking about how to do his part to fight global warming 15 years ago."
"Governments gave the green light on Thursday for a U.N. scientific study on how to meet an ambitious global warming target, despite growing worries by some scientists that the goal may be unrealistic."
"Indonesia, one of the world’s largest polluters, ratified the Paris climate change agreement Wednesday, two weeks before the global deal is set to take effect."
"The La Jolla of Luiseño Indians have seen their wells shrink dramatically because of California’s ongoing drought. Robin Cabrera explains how a federal grant – and help from other tribes – could lead to a solution."
"Federal health officials have made a new color-coded map for Miami and say pregnant women should stay out of the "red zone" — where Zika virus is actively infecting new people daily."
"While we rake over Clinton’s emails and Trump’s late-night tweets, climate has been the elephant in the room, leaving scientists and campaigners asking why there hasn’t been a single direct question about the crisis".
"NASA has all but declared this year to be the hottest yet recorded, after September narrowly turned out the warmest in modern temperature monitoring."
"The third presidential debate, scheduled for Wednesday, might seem like a rerun. Chris Wallace, the moderator and an anchor for Fox News, has chosen topics familiar from previous debates, including debt, immigration, foreign affairs, the economy and the Supreme Court. Notably missing is any mention of climate change, which was also almost ignored in the earlier debates."
"The U.S. Air Force is spending nearly $1 billion to build a radar installation that will help keep astronauts and satellites safe by tracking pieces of space junk as small as a baseball. That is, if global warming doesn't get in the way. The Space Fence is being constructed on a tiny atoll in the Marshall Islands that scientists say could be regularly swamped by rising seas within a couple of decades as a result of climate change."