Climate Change

"Democrats Use Climate Change as Wedge Issue on Republicans"

"When President Obama stood before students in Southern California a week ago ridiculing those who deny climate science, he wasn't just road testing a new political strategy to a friendly audience. He was trying to drive a wedge between younger voters and the Republican Party."

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 06/23/2014

Battling Over the Brazos: Dwindling River, Reservoirs Spark Disputes

"In 1957, author John Graves decided to take a canoe trip down the upper Brazos River before a series of dams would turn his favorite stretch of river into a string of lakes. Graves feared that his beloved river would be squeezed dry if five proposed flood-control dams were built in the upper Brazos."

Source: Denton Record-Chronicle, 06/23/2014

"Obama Carbon Rule Backed by Most Americans — WSJ/NBC Poll"

"More than two-thirds of Americans support President Barack Obama’s new climate rule and more than half say the U.S. should address global warming even if it means higher electricity bills, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 06/18/2014


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