
"Biden Moves To Mandate Greener Building Codes In One-Sixth Of New Houses"

"The Biden administration plans to require new homes to be constructed to the nation’s greenest, most energy-efficient building codes to qualify for the federal loans that finance more than one-sixth of new houses sold in the United States."

Source: HuffPost, 05/12/2023

Will Billions To Fix Texas Water Systems Reach These Forgotten Colonias?

"An estimated 500,000 people live in thousands of colonias along the Texas-Mexico border. Largely built between the 1950s and 1980s, these communities have been promised water — but it has never come."

"Maria Martínez constantly calculates how much water is left in the 2,000-gallon tank that sits outside her home near El Paso.

When there’s less than 600 gallons, it’s time to place an order. A few loads of laundry and dirty dishes will use every last drop.

Source: Texas Tribune, 05/09/2023

"Inside Big Beef’s Climate Messaging Machine: Confuse, Defend And Downplay"

"The US beef industry is creating an army of influencers and citizen activists to help amplify a message that will be key to its future success: that you shouldn’t be too worried about the growing attention around the environmental impacts of its production."

Source: Guardian, 05/04/2023

"Biden Administration Proposes Water Quality Standard For Tribes"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Wednesday proposed baseline water quality standards for tribal waters, which the agency said would protect more than 500,000 people who live on reservations."

Source: The Hill, 05/04/2023

"Fla. And La. Must Borrow Millions To Pay Insurance Claims"

"The Gulf Coast insurance crisis has hit a new low as two state-chartered insurance associations are being forced to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars for the first time in three decades to pay the hurricane claims of insolvent insurers."

Source: E&E News, 05/04/2023


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