
"ANALYSIS: Support for Nuke-Free Japan Defies Government Calculations"

"Policymakers determined to maintain nuclear energy believed most people would still want it as part of the nation’s power generation despite the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant. Their calculations were way off."

Source: Asahi Shimbun, 08/24/2012

"Year After Irene, New Yorkers Ponder Sea Barriers"

"NEW YORK -- Two years before Hurricane Irene created the prospect of a flooding nightmare in New York City, 100 scientists and engineers met to sketch out a bold defense: massive, moveable barriers to shield the city from a storm-stirred sea."

Source: AP, 08/24/2012

"With Drillship En Route, Shell Awaits End of Beaufort Whale Hunt"

"After investing billions of dollars and navigating a gantlet of legal and regulatory hurdles in its seven-year quest to explore for Arctic oil, Royal Dutch Shell PLC could face additional delays as it awaits the end of whale hunting season in the Beaufort Sea."

Source: Greenwire, 08/23/2012

"Possibly on the GOP Convention Guest List: Hurricane Isaac"

It is remotely possible that a tropical storm forming far out in the Atlantic will turn into a hurricane named Isaac and track over Tampa as Republicans gather their for their presidential nominating convention. The odds of this happening are long, but stormwatchers are paying attention. So are ironists.

Source: Grist, 08/22/2012


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