
"In Japan Reactor Failings, Danger Signs for the U.S."

"Emergency vents that American officials have said would prevent devastating hydrogen explosions at nuclear plants in the United States were put to the test in Japan — and failed to work, according to experts and officials with the company that operates the crippled Fukushima Daiichi plant."

Source: NY Times, 05/18/2011

"Panel on Nuclear Waste Disposal to Propose Above-Ground Storage"

"A commission created to help resolve the impasse over the disposal of the nation’s nuclear waste will propose establishing one or more sites where used reactor fuel could be stored in steel and concrete structures on the earth’s surface for decades, members of the commission said this week."

Source: NY Times, 05/13/2011

"Disaster Plan Problems Found at U.S. Nuclear Plants"

"Despite repeated assurances that American nuclear plants are better equipped to deal with natural disasters than their counterparts in Japan, regulators said Thursday that recent inspections had found serious problems with some emergency equipment that would have made it unusable in an accident."

Source: NY Times, 05/13/2011

Ocean Issues Highlighted at 'Blue Vision' Summit May 20-23 in DC

The event will cover everything from the Gulf of Mexico's struggle to recover from the BP oil spill to protection of over-exploited commercial fish stocks … to ocean acidification, marine protected areas, offshore energy, and coastal ecosystem restoration.

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