
Dispersants Remain a Mystery to Public, Despite Fake "Disclosure"

Dispersant manufacturer Nalco failed to disclose the chemical identity of the ingredients to the news media or public, and ignored a US EPA order to stop using the product in the Gulf.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Top Kill Operation Succeeds in Killing Much of BP's Credibility

US EPA withheld information, and twice during the five-day operation BP cut off the mud pumps for long periods without letting the public know, making statements that left the impression the operation was ongoing.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Media Access to Oil-Impacted Areas Disputed

The WatchDog's special Gulf oil spill issue includes stories on media access problems, withholding of information by US EPA and misleading statements by BP, mystery dispersant ingredients, BP's new ex-Cheney spokesperson, prohibiting cleanup workers talking to media, and detaining rig survivors till they sign two statements.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"White House Struggles as Criticism on Leak Mounts"

"The Obama administration scrambled to respond on Sunday after the failure of the latest effort to kill the gushing oil well in the Gulf of Mexico. But administration officials acknowledged the possibility that tens of thousands of gallons of oil might continue pouring out until August, when two relief wells are scheduled to be completed."

Source: NYTimes, 06/01/2010


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