Energy & Fuel

"China’s Record Drought Is Drying Rivers and Feeding Its Coal Habit"

"Dry weather in southwestern China has crippled huge hydroelectric dams, forcing cities to impose rolling blackouts and driving up the country’s use of coal."

"HONG KONG — Car assembly plants and electronics factories in southwestern China have closed for lack of power. Owners of electric cars are waiting overnight at charging stations to recharge their vehicles. Rivers are so low there that ships can no longer carry supplies.

Source: NYTimes, 08/29/2022

"California E.V. Mandate Finds a Receptive Auto Industry"

"For years, as California has moved ahead with ambitious clean-air regulations, the state has had to prod the auto industry to go along. Now, in the push to electrify the nation’s car fleet, it is California that is keeping up with automakers."

Source: NYTimes, 08/26/2022

"California to Ban the Sale of New Gasoline Cars"

"The decision, to take effect by 2035, will very likely speed a wider transition to electric vehicles because many other states follow California’s standards."

"California regulators on Thursday will vote to put in place a sweeping plan to restrict and ultimately ban the sale of gasoline-powered cars, state officials said, a move that the state’s governor described as the beginning of the end for the internal combustion engine.

Source: NYTimes, 08/25/2022


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