Energy & Fuel

"EPA Seen as Prepared for Big Challenges Ahead of Carbon Rules"

"The EPA’s lawyers and rule writers face challenges as they work to finalize incoming carbon rules that avoid running afoul of the Supreme Court’s recent decision on power plant emissions, but the long runway up to the decision gave the agency adequate time to prepare, court watchers say."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 07/11/2022

EPA Describes How It Will Regulate Power Plants After Supreme Court Loss

"Following the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling last week limiting the government’s ability to restrict the pollution that is causing global warming, the Biden administration is planning to use other regulatory tools in hopes of achieving similar goals."

Source: NYTimes, 07/08/2022

"Oil Industry Sees Ongoing Leasing Pause in New Biden Gulf Plan"

"A “de facto moratorium” on offshore oil and gas leasing is taking hold over the next several months while the Biden administration considers its options for a proposed five-year leasing plan for the Gulf of Mexico, an oil and gas industry attorney said."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 07/07/2022


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