Energy & Fuel

St. Croix Refinery That Rained Oil On Neighbors Shuts Down Indefinitely

"Limetree Bay, a massive oil refinery in the Caribbean, announced Monday that it is ceasing operations following a number of catastrophic errors that rained oil droplets on St. Croix, sent residents to emergency rooms after noxious gas releases and raised fears among homeowners that their drinking water was laced with toxic chemicals."

Source: Washington Post, 06/22/2021

Drilling for Data on Offshore Wells

For reporters covering the long-standing conflict over offshore drilling, which erupted again this month after a federal judge blocked a halt to new leases, an Interior Department database offers a wealth of data about offshore wells. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox walks you through the maze of bureaucracy behind the database, and then provides detailed guidance on how to make the most of its info.

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Infrastructure: Schumer Vows To Pass Only 'A Strong, Bold Climate Bill'

"Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) vowed he “will not pass” an infrastructure package that removes the climate provisions of President Biden's American Jobs Act."

Source: The Hill, 06/18/2021

Louisiana Gas Industry’s Answer To Lax Safety Enforcement? Loosen It More

"When a natural gas pipeline fire south-west of New Orleans killed one worker and burned three others, the Louisiana state police ordered Phillips 66 to pay a $22,000 fine for failing to immediately report the incident. The fire burned for four days before first responders could put it out. But the company ultimately didn’t pay any police fine, ending up with just a warning."

Source: Floodlight, 06/17/2021


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