Energy & Fuel

"Trump Pledges To Scrap Offshore Wind Projects On ‘Day One’ Of Presidency"

"Donald Trump has vowed to immediately halt offshore wind energy projects “on day one” of a new term as US president, in his most explicit threat yet to the industry and the latest in a series of promises to undo key aspects of the transition to cleaner energy."

Source: Guardian, 05/15/2024

Occidental Petroleum Net-Zero Strategy A ‘License To Pollute,’ Critics Say

"More so than any other fossil fuel company, Occidental Petroleum — known as Oxy — has built its climate strategy around innovations that capture carbon before it can be emitted or pull it directly out of the air." "The company’s climate strategy could result in more emissions than it prevents."

Source: Grist, 05/14/2024

"Air Pollution Monitoring In Louisiana To Face New Rules Under Bill"

"An industry-backed bill to regulate how data from community air monitors is used was given final legislative approval Monday over objections from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and activists seeking to reduce pollution."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 05/14/2024

"Plastic, Plastic Everywhere — Even at the UN’s “Plastic Free” Conference"

"At a conference meant to address the plastic crisis, pro-plastic messaging was inescapable. Meanwhile, industry insiders — some positioned as government delegates — were given access to vital negotiations."

Source: ProPublica, 05/13/2024


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