Energy & Fuel

"California Urges EPA To Let State Set Car-Emissions Standard"

"Officials from California, New York and other states urged the Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday to allow California to set its own automobile tailpipe pollution standards, an action that would reverse a Trump administration policy and could help usher in stricter emissions standards for new passenger vehicles nationwide."

Source: AP, 06/03/2021

G7 Nations Have Given $190 Billion to Fossil Fuel Industry Since 2020

"The world’s leading economies have made lots of commitments lately about reducing carbon emissions, but their actions tell a different story. A report released Tuesday finds that between January 2020 and March 2021, G7 governments pumped $190 billion into supporting coal, oil, and gas, with the U.S. taking the prize for the most money spent on dirty industries."

Source: Earther, 06/02/2021

Biden DOI Suspends Oil And Gas Leases In Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

"The Biden administration on Tuesday suspended oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, targeting one of President Donald Trump’s most significant environmental acts during his last days in office."

Source: Washington Post, 06/02/2021

Before You Cover That Pipeline Protest, Check the Law

At least 16 states currently have critical infrastructure anti-protest laws that could sweep up journalists on the scene, reports the latest TipSheet. The laws, which more states are considering, apply to pipelines, but sometimes other facilities that impact the environment too, like powerlines, dams, port facilities and refineries. How to keep track and avoid going to jail.

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