Energy & Fuel

"Biden Plan to Boost Public Transit Funding: Visionary or Wasteful?"

"If President Joe Biden gets his way, the federal government will double public transit funding in the coming years. He sees it as an essential part of his proposed $2 trillion infrastructure package: a way to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality and meet rider demand."

Source: Pew/Stateline, 05/04/2021

"Leaked Docs: Gas Industry Secretly Fights Electrification"

"In public, Eversource Energy likes to tout its carbon neutrality goals and its investments in offshore wind. But officials from New England's largest utility struck a different tone during an industry presentation in mid-March. Instead of advocating for lower emissions, company officials outlined a defensive strategy for preserving the use of natural gas for years to come."

Source: E&E News, 05/04/2021

"EPA Hits Troubled Virgin Islands Oil Refinery With A Violation Notice"

"A giant oil and gas refinery was served with a “notice of violation” by the Environmental Protection Agency following two major accidents that released noxious fumes and a chemical-filled vapor cloud over nearby neighborhoods in the U.S. Virgin Islands."

Source: Washington Post, 05/04/2021

More Air Monitoring At Louisiana Industrial Plants? How They Voted

"For years, environmental advocates and neighborhoods close to Louisiana industrial plants have sought more monitoring of air pollution. But a state Senate committee on Tuesday rejected a bill that would have required 473 plants to install real-time air monitoring systems and pay for it."

Source:, 04/30/2021

"Corporate Secrecy Over Climate Change Targeted By Wash. And Calif."

"California clean tech innovator Bloom Energy, with its noncombustion, low-emission fuel cells, is hardly taking the same approach to powering the planet as oil giant Chevron, but one thing the companies have in common are slick promotional campaigns defining them as environmental pioneers. That public relations savvy, though, has lately become a liability for both firms."

Source: LA Times, 04/30/2021


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