Energy & Fuel

September 17, 2021

DEADLINE: IJNR Ocean + Climate Workshop Series

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources' Ocean & Climate Workshop Series is designed to help journalists explore ocean issues that are underreported in popular media. Deadline for the final 2021 workshop, Gulf of Mexico on Oct 6-7, is Sep 17. Reporting stipends available.


Biden Hosts Congress Members To Talk Infrastructure, Funding

"The chairman of the House Transportation Committee pitched a plan Thursday to raise money for infrastructure spending without Republican votes in the Senate ahead of a bipartisan discussion at the White House."

Source: Washington Post, 03/05/2021

After Backing Green Building Codes, Local Governments Lose Right To Vote

"The private consortium that oversees the model building codes for much of the United States and parts of the Caribbean and Latin America on Thursday stripped local governments of their right to vote on future energy-efficiency codes."

Source: HuffPost, 03/05/2021


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