Energy & Fuel

Arctic Drilling Foes Sue To Block Seismic Surveys, Lease Sales in ANWR

"Environmental and Alaska Native groups asked a federal court in Anchorage on Tuesday to stop the U.S. Interior Department from opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil and gas exploration before President Donald Trump leaves office next month."

Source: Reuters, 12/16/2020

"Biden to Pick Jennifer Granholm, Former MI Gov., for Energy Secretary"

"President-elect Joseph R. Biden will nominate Jennifer M. Granholm, a former governor of Michigan and a longtime champion of renewable energy development, to be the next secretary of energy, according to four people close to the president-elect’s transition team."

Source: NYTimes, 12/16/2020

It’s Official: Alberta’s Oilsands Tailings Ponds Are Leaking. Now What?

"A years-long international investigation has found ‘scientifically valid evidence’ the massive pits that store toxic waste in the oilsands are leaking, leaving Albertans wondering who’s going to clean them up".

"There are more than a trillion litres of toxic oilsands waste stored in tailings ponds near Alberta’s Athabasca River — and they’re leaking.

Yes, we now have “scientifically valid evidence” that the ponds meant to contain toxic fluids are leaking, according to a years-long probe backed by the governments of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

Source: The Narwhal, 12/15/2020

Biden Faces Environmental Challenges on Multiple International Treaties

As the incoming Biden administration prepares to re-engage on the global stage, environment-related treaties are high on the agenda. The latest Backgrounder, part of our 2021 Guide, takes a closer look at 10-plus top treaties, including those focused on climate change, biodiversity, plastics pollution, airplane emissions, the future of the Arctic and more.

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"New York’s $226 Billion Pension Fund Is Dropping Fossil Fuel Stocks"

"New York State’s pension fund, one of the world’s largest and most influential investors, will drop many of its fossil fuel stocks in the next five years and sell its shares in other companies that contribute to global warming by 2040, the state comptroller said on Wednesday."

Source: NYTimes, 12/11/2020

Safety And Climate Fears Dog Planned LNG Export Terminal on Delaware R.

"Plans for a new half-billion-dollar liquefied natural gas export terminal on the Delaware River in South Jersey were greenlighted by the Delaware River Basin Commission on Wednesday. But opponents say they will challenge the LNG project in federal court, and they’ve gained the support of Hollywood stars like Leonardo DeCaprio and Mark Ruffalo, along with climate leaders like Bill McKibben."

Source: NPR, 12/11/2020


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