Energy & Fuel

G.M. Drops Its Support for Trump Climate Rollbacks, Aligns With Biden

"General Motors turned its back Monday on the Trump administration’s legal fight to nullify California’s strict fuel economy rules, signaling that it was ready to work with President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. to reduce climate-warming emissions from cars and trucks."

Source: NYTimes, 11/24/2020

Midnight Deregulation Zombie Horror Show Begins

A rush of last-minute regulatory (and deregulatory) actions are underway in the waning days of the Trump administration. And the latest TipSheet has suggestions not only for how to keep track, but also how to bird-dog the numerous ways the incoming Biden administration might try to reverse Trump’s course.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"A Push Emerges for the First Native American Interior Secretary"

"A coalition of Democrats, Native Americans and liberal activists is urging President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. to nominate one of Congress’s first Native American women to head the Interior Department, putting an American Indian in control of vast swaths of the continent and the Bureau of Indian Affairs."

Source: NYTimes, 11/23/2020

"Biden Vowed To Ban New Drilling On Public Lands. It Won’t Be Easy."

"One of Joe Biden’s boldest campaign pledges was to ban “new oil and gas permitting on public lands and waters,” part of a sweeping agenda aimed at curbing greenhouse gases that are warming the planet and threatening life on Earth. Transforming that promise into reality, however, will be tough."

Source: Washington Post, 11/23/2020

"Biden Vowed To Ban New Drilling On Public Lands. It Won’t Be Easy."

"One of Joe Biden’s boldest campaign pledges was to ban “new oil and gas permitting on public lands and waters,” part of a sweeping agenda aimed at curbing greenhouse gases that are warming the planet and threatening life on Earth. Transforming that promise into reality, however, will be tough."

Source: Washington Post, 11/20/2020

"U.S. Moves To Loosen Safety Rules For Arctic Ocean Oil Drilling"

"The Trump administration on Thursday proposed to loosen Obama-era safety regulations for the oil industry in the Arctic Ocean off Alaska to ease the way for petroleum extraction in the region, an effort that President-elect Joe Biden will likely throw out once in office."

Source: Reuters, 11/20/2020

"Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Advisers Quit Over Pipeline Permit"

"A citizen advisory group at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has collapsed following the regulator’s decision to issue a water-quality permit to Enbridge Energy for its Line 3 oil pipeline cutting through Minnesota."

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, 11/19/2020

"Trump Pushes New Environmental Rollbacks On Way Out The Door"

"Down to its final weeks, the Trump administration is working to push through dozens of environmental rollbacks that could weaken century-old protections for migratory birds, expand Arctic drilling and hamstring future regulation of public health threats."

Source: AP, 11/19/2020


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