Energy & Fuel

"Drilling, Mines, Other Projects Hastened By Trump Order"

"The Trump administration is seeking to fast track environmental reviews of dozens of major energy and infrastructure projects during the COVID-19 pandemic, including oil and gas drilling, hazardous fuel pipelines, wind farms and highway projects in multiple states, according to documents provided to The Associated Press."

Source: AP, 09/02/2020

"Tribes, Green Groups Sue Over Trump Rollback Of Water Rights"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is being sued for the second time in a week over a rule that limits states’ ability to fight big projects such as pipelines, with tribes and environmental groups who fear damage to nearby waters taking the latest action in court."

Source: The Hill, 09/02/2020

BLM Rule Allows Itself To Issue Mass Royalty Cuts For Mining

"The Trump administration on Monday finalized a rule allowing itself to issue areawide and industrywide reductions on fees that companies pay to the government in exchange for the ability to extract certain minerals from public lands."

Source: The Hill, 09/02/2020

"EPA: Provocative Enforcement Chief Finds 'Few Friends'"

"EPA's controversial coronavirus enforcement policy ends today as the pandemic continues to rage across the country. Critics blasted enforcement chief Susan Bodine when she issued the March 26 policy, which signaled laxer enforcement of pollution rules during the pandemic."

Source: E&E News, 09/01/2020

"Water Pollution: EPA Eases Limits On Coal Plants' Toxic Discharges"

"EPA is relaxing Obama-era regulations for wastewater coming from coal-fired power plants, discharges that can contain high levels of toxic chemicals like mercury, arsenic, nitrogen and selenium."

Source: E&E News, 09/01/2020

"Thousands Protest In Mauritius Over Dead Dolphins, Demand Resignations"

"Thousands of protesters demonstrated in the Mauritius capital Port Louis on Saturday to demand an investigation into an oil spill from a Japanese ship and the mysterious death of at least 40 dolphins that have been found near the site of the spill."

Source: Reuters, 08/31/2020


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