Energy & Fuel

"US Critics Of Stay-At-Home Orders Tied To Fossil Fuel Funding"

"Dozens of individuals and groups urging states to reopen amid the Covid-19 pandemic have historical financial ties to coal and oil and gas companies and conservative billionaires who have invested in climate disinformation."

Source: Guardian, 05/22/2020

EPA Staff Warned Mileage Rollbacks Had Flaws. Trumpites Ignored Them.

"In its rush to roll back the most significant climate policy enacted by Barack Obama — mileage standards designed to reduce pollution from cars — the Trump administration ignored warnings that its new rule has serious flaws, according to documents shared with The Washington Post."

Source: Washington Post, 05/20/2020

"Thinking of Buying a Bike? Get Ready for a Very Long Wait"

"Some bicycle shops in Brooklyn are selling twice as many bikes as usual and drawing blocklong lines of customers. A chain of shops in Phoenix is selling three times the number of bikes it typically does. A retailer in Washington, D.C., sold all its entry-level bikes by the end of April and has fielded more preorders than ever in its 50-year history."

Source: NYTimes, 05/19/2020

Cuomo Cites New Climate Law In Denying Controversial NY-NJ Pipeline

"Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration denied a permit for a pipeline to supply natural gas to Long Island and New York City in a landmark decision citing the state’s sweeping climate law."

Source: Politico, 05/19/2020

"EPA Looking to Push Back Dirty Wood Stoves Deadline to Nov. 30"

"The EPA is looking to relax Friday’s deadline for businesses to stop selling older, dirtier residential wood stoves. The Environmental Protection Agency said it is proposing (RIN:2060-AU87) to give retailers until Nov. 30 to sell the outdated woodstoves."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/18/2020

Climate Change Is Looming. But America Has Lost 600,000 Clean Energy Jobs

"The United States shed more than half a million clean energy jobs in March and April, a new report says, reversing years of growth in an industry that has helped reduce lung-damaging air pollution and the emissions responsible for climate change."

Source: LA Times, 05/18/2020


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