Energy & Fuel

"Judge Strikes Down U.S. Energy Leasing Rules In Sage Grouse Habitat"

"A U.S. judge has dealt another blow to the Trump administration's efforts to increase domestic oil and gas output from public lands, saying officials failed to protect habitat for a declining bird species when it issued energy leases on hundreds of square miles."

Source: AP, 05/27/2020

"Coal Company Sues EPA Over Power Plant Pollution Regulation"

"A coal company has challenged an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) power plant pollution regulation in court after the agency recently finalized changes that weaken the standards' legal underpinnings."

Source: The Hill, 05/26/2020

While No One Was Watching — Changing Enviro Regs Under Trump

Regulations that sprang from cornerstone environmental laws in place for decades are now under attack by the Trump administration, per legal experts in a recent webinar co-sponsored by the Society of Environmental Journalists and Columbia University’s Earth Institute. Get key takeaways and resources from the event from SEJ’s Dale Willman. Plus, watch the full webinar video.

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"Electric Trucks Are The 'Inevitable Future,' Fleets Say"

"Despite the pandemic environment, states and fleets push forward on electric tractors." "With 1.3 million electric vehicles on the road in 2020, and with lawmakers pushing for more adoption, fleets have been looking at Class 7 and Class 8 vehicles carefully — kicking the tires and doing the math."

Source: Utility Dive, 05/25/2020


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