Energy & Fuel

"EPA Aims to Reduce Truck Pollution, and Avert Tougher State Controls"

"The Trump administration on Monday took its first step toward tighter pollution controls on trucks, an anomalous move for a government known for weakening environmental policies but one that would pre-empt tougher state rules."

Source: NY Times, 01/07/2020

"NAACP Tells Local Chapters: Don’t Let Energy Industry Manipulate You"

"When utilities around the country have wanted to build fossil-fuel plants, defeat energy-efficiency proposals or slow the growth of rooftop solar power, they have often turned for support to a surprisingly reliable ally: a local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People."

Source: NY Times, 01/06/2020

Research on BP Spill Shows Potential Human Health, Mental Health Effects

"Nearly a decade of BP-funded research has uncovered a laundry list of potential health effects resulting from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, including possible links between obesity and dispersants used to break up the oil; the discovery of dangerous bacteria in tar balls still washing up on Gulf beaches; and a new understanding of the links between disasters and the mental health problems of both fishers and oilfield workers."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 01/06/2020

Analysis: As Fires Rage, Australia Sees Its Leader As Missing In Action

"The country is venting frustration with Prime Minister Scott Morrison over what many view as a nonchalant response to the disastrous blazes and his unwavering dismissal of climate change."

"HASTINGS, Australia — The posters have popped up on streets around Australia, showing the prime minister looking very tropical: floral wreath on his head, ocean-blue shirt open at the collar.

“MISSING,” they blared. “Your country is on fire.”

Source: NY Times, 01/06/2020

"Trump Rule Would Exclude Climate Change in Infrastructure Planning

"Federal agencies would no longer have to take climate change into account when they assess the environmental impacts of highways, pipelines and other major infrastructure projects, according to a Trump administration plan that would weaken the nation’s benchmark environmental law."

Source: NY Times, 01/06/2020

What’s Behind Big Oil’s Promises of Emissions Cuts? Lots of Wiggle Room

"The oil and gas industry seems to have entered a state of cognitive dissonance. Like never before, energy companies are publicly acknowledging the threat posed by climate change and the need for society to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, oil and gas production in the U.S. and globally continues to soar."

Source: InsideClimate News, 01/03/2020


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