Energy & Fuel

"Revealed: The 20 Firms Behind A Third Of All Carbon Emissions"

"The Guardian today reveals the 20 fossil fuel companies whose relentless exploitation of the world’s oil, gas and coal reserves can be directly linked to more than one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions in the modern era.

New data from world-renowned researchers reveals how this cohort of state-owned and multinational firms are driving the climate emergency that threatens the future of humanity, and details how they have continued to expand their operations despite being aware of the industry’s devastating impact on the planet.

Source: Guardian, 10/15/2019

"After Avoiding Safety Upgrades, PG&E Hired Lobbyists and PR Instead"

"Power shutoffs affecting more than 1 million residents, scheduled by PG&E this week throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California, have sparked a massive backlash, with many community members telling reporters that they are shocked that the company has not done more to upgrade its transmission lines."

Source: The Intercept, 10/14/2019

"House Democrats Subpoena Rick Perry In Impeachment Inquiry"

"House Democrats on Thursday subpoenaed Energy Secretary Rick Perry for documentation of his involvement with President Trump's efforts to push the Ukrainian government to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
Perry is the latest Trump administration official to be issued a subpoena as part of House Democrats' impeachment inquiry, which is examining the president's efforts to persuade the Ukrainian government to investigate Biden, a leading Democratic presidential contender.

Source: The Hill, 10/11/2019


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