Energy & Fuel

"U.K. Will Cut Net Greenhouse Emissions to Zero, Theresa May Vows"

"Britain would bring its net production of greenhouse gases to zero by 2050 under legislation that Prime Minister Theresa May proposed on Wednesday, a move that would make it the first of the world’s major economic powers to commit to ending its contribution to global warming."

Source: NY Times, 06/13/2019

Tankers Attacked Again in Gulf of Oman, Raising Fears of Wider Conflict

"Two oil tankers came under attack on Thursday in the Gulf of Oman, forcing their crews to abandon ship and setting at least one vessel ablaze, a month after four tankers were damaged in the same waterway, a vital thoroughfare for much of the world’s oil products."

Source: NY Times, 06/13/2019

Greens Sue Trump Administration For Gutting Offshore Oil Safety Rules

"A coalition of environmental groups on Tuesday filed a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Interior Department’s rollbacks of safety measures put in place by the Obama administration in the aftermath of the fatal 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill."

Source: Reuters, 06/12/2019

White House Poised To Rebuff Automakers, Calif., Relax Mileage Standards

"A last-minute push by automakers appears unlikely to sway the Trump administration from abandoning President Barack Obama’s signature climate policy to improve mileage standards for cars and light trucks, two government officials said Friday."

Source: Washington Post, 06/10/2019


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