Energy & Fuel

September 18, 2019

Underwater Sound Sources – 2019 Webinar Series

Discovery of Sound in the Sea presents a free, four-part webinar series on anthropogenic underwater sound sources. Topics include seismic sound sources, pile-driving, wind turbines, commercial vessel traffic, echosounders and sonar.


Enviros Complain Over Bayou Bridge Pipeline Lack Of Emergency Plan

"The controversial – but now complete – Bayou Bridge Pipeline has drawn another legal challenge from the Atchafalaya Basinkeeper environmental group, which questions why the pipeline was allowed to begin operating on April 1 without having an approved emergency response plan."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 04/24/2019

Interior Watchdog Probes 6 Trump Appointees On Possible Misconduct

"The Interior Department’s Office of Inspector General has opened an investigation into whether six of President Trump’s appointees have violated federal ethics rules by engaging with their former employers or clients on department-related business."

Source: Washington Post, 04/24/2019

Protecting Journalists from Attack, Info Row at Interior, PIO Standards and More

Do we need a bill to criminalize attacks against those who report the news? Some Dems in Congress think so. And the Interior Department is at the center of a conflicts over freedom of information involving lobbying contacts with the newly confirmed secretary. The latest WatchDog has those developments, plus more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Virginia Officials at Odds Over Joining Regional Cap-and-Trade Pact

"Virginia regulators have voted to join a regional carbon cap-and-trade program, becoming the first Southern state to do so. The effort could lead to a 30 percent reduction in carbon emissions from the state’s largest power plants. But there’s a hitch."

Source: Washington Post, 04/23/2019


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