Energy & Fuel

Nations Vowed To Cut Carbon Emissions. They Aren’t Even Close, UN Says

"On the eve of the most important global climate meeting in years, a definitive United Nations report has found that the world is well off course on its promises to cut greenhouse gas emissions — and may have even further to go than previously thought."

Source: Washington Post, 11/28/2018

Energy Speculators Jump on Chance to Lease Public Land at Bargain Rates

"The Trump administration’s policy of encouraging more oil and gas drilling combined with a loophole in federal rules has been a boon for investors with a taste for gambling — and has drawn criticism that it is a bad deal for taxpayers."

Source: NY Times, 11/28/2018

"House Dems Demand Records On Trump’s Climate Rollbacks"

"Leading House Democrats, weeks away from taking over the majority in the lower chamber, are demanding records and information from the Trump administration’s rollbacks of numerous climate change policies at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)."

Source: The Hill, 11/21/2018

"Blowout: Inside America's Energy Gamble"

"MIDLAND, Texas — Drilling booms have come and gone in this oil town for nearly a century. But the frenzy gripping it now is different. Overwhelming. Drilling rigs tower over suburban backyards. There’s a housing crunch so severe that rents are up 30 percent in the last year alone. Tax-averse city officials raised fees this spring just to keep basic services afloat."

Source: Center for Public Integrity, 11/21/2018


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