Energy & Fuel

"World Leaders, High Security At Paris Climate Summit"

"More than 50 world leaders are joining bankers, energy magnates and others Tuesday in Paris for a summit that President Emmanuel Macron hopes will give new momentum to the fight against global warming — despite U.S. President Donald Trump's rejection of the Paris climate accord."

Source: AP, 12/12/2017

Uranium Firm Urged Trump Officials To Shrink Bears Ears Monument

"A uranium company launched a concerted lobbying campaign to scale back Bears Ears National Monument, saying such action would give it easier access to the area’s uranium deposits and help it operate a nearby processing mill, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post."

Source: Washington Post, 12/11/2017

"Air Pollution: Pruitt Backs Off Enforcement Of Power Plant Program"

"U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is instructing agency officials to effectively drop enforcement of one key facet of the New Source Review program, in what could be a prelude to broad changes in the handling of air permits for both new plants and expansions of existing facilities."

Source: Greenwire, 12/11/2017

FERC Seeks Delay In Considering Trump Coal, Nuclear Bailout

"The head of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is seeking a 30-day extension in the agency’s timeline to consider a proposal to prop up coal and nuclear power plants."

Source: The Hill, 12/11/2017

After Tax Cut, Trump Looks To Localities To Fund For Infrastructure

"Even as President Trump and Republicans in Congress seek to cut federal taxes, the White House has quietly come up with a very different plan for infrastructure: It wants to reward states and localities willing to raise taxes or other revenue to pay for new projects."

Source: Washington Post, 12/08/2017

"U.S. Energy Office Gets New Chairman As Nuclear, Coal Vote Looms"

"A new chairman was sworn in on Thursday at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission who will lead the agency as it considers a directive from the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump to subsidize ailing coal and nuclear power plants."

Source: Reuters, 12/08/2017

"Renewable Energy Is Surging. The G.O.P. Tax Bill Could Curtail That."

"The Republican tax bills moving through Congress could significantly hobble the United States’ renewable energy industry because of a series of provisions that scale back incentives for wind and solar power while bolstering older energy sources like oil and gas production."

Source: NY Times, 12/08/2017

"Georgia Regulators Question Economics Of Completing Nuclear Plant"

"A new staff analysis by Georgia's Public Service Commission suggests construction of America's first totally new nuclear power reactor of the 21st century should be scrapped unless Georgia Power agrees to absorb a bigger share of the project's cost overruns."

Source: Chattanooga Times Free Press, 12/07/2017


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