Energy & Fuel

Louisiana’s Sinking Parishes Sue Fossil Fuel Firms Over Climate Damage

"Several Louisiana parishes—the equivalent of counties in other states—have filed lawsuits alleging hundreds of fossil fuel companies violated their coastal use permits by failing to clean up pollution and by failing to restore the marsh wetlands to their original condition. The suits seek to recover “damages, restoration costs and actual restoration.”"

Source: Climate Liability News, 10/11/2017

"Coal Ash Dam Failures Would Impact Hundreds, Maps Show"

"Raleigh, N.C. — Maps released by Duke Energy late last week reveal for the first time that nearly 300 individual structures – homes, businesses and town infrastructure – could be in danger of flooding as a result of dam failures at the energy firm's coal ash pits scattered across the state."

Source: WRAL, 10/11/2017

"In New Rule, Trump EPA Allows Texas Coal Plants to Pollute Even More"

"In a gift to the struggling coal industry, a new air pollution rule finalized by the EPA will allow Texas coal plants to emit almost twice as much sulfur dioxide than an earlier proposal by the Obama administration. Aside from being a key component in forming haze, sulfur dioxide exacerbates respiratory illnesses such as asthma and contributes to acid rain."

Source: Texas Observer, 10/11/2017

"E.P.A. Says It Will Write a New Carbon Rule, but No One Can Say When"

"When Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, signed a blueprint Tuesday to eliminate a major Obama-era climate change regulation, the text said the agency would at some point consider a new rule to ratchet down greenhouse gas emissions. But those adept at reading between the lines of dense federal documents say the subtext reads more like: 'Don’t hold your breath.'"

Source: NY Times, 10/11/2017

"E.P.A. Announces Repeal of Major Obama-Era Carbon Emissions Rule"

"The Trump administration announced on Monday that it would take formal steps to repeal President Barack Obama’s signature policy to curb greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, setting up a bitter fight over the future of America’s efforts to tackle global warming."

Source: NY Times, 10/10/2017

"Senators Object To Lower 2018 U.S. Renewable Fuel Requirements"

"A group of 38 U.S. senators asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday to abandon plans to lower biofuel requirements for oil refiners in 2018, according to a letter made public by the office of Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota."

Source: Reuters, 10/09/2017


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