Energy & Fuel

WatchDog Group Sues for Records as Pruitt Confirmation Vote Nears & More

The latest WatchDog TipSheet details an open-records case against U.S. EPA nominee Scott Pruitt (shown), the scoop on an Agriculture Department animal welfare database that vanished then returned, a reporter busted at Standing Rock, plus items on whistleblowers, coal-ash and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Exxon Adviser Resigns Over Oil Giant’s 'Targeted Attacks' On NGOs"

"A research scholar at New York University has resigned from Exxon Mobil Corp.'s External Citizenship Advisory Panel, citing what she calls the oil giant’s 'targeted attacks' on environmental groups under former CEO Rex Tillerson’s watch."

Source: Huffington Post, 02/14/2017

"Tribe Files Legal Challenge to Stall Dakota Access Pipeline"

"Construction crews have resumed work on the final segment of the Dakota Access pipeline, and the developer of the long-delayed project said Thursday that the full system could be operational within three months. Meanwhile, an American Indian tribe filed a legal challenge to block the work and protect its water supply."

Source: AP, 02/10/2017

GOP Statesmen Propose Replacing Obama’s Climate Plans With A Carbon Tax

"A coalition of veteran GOP officials — including five who have either served as treasury secretary or as chairs of the Council of Economic Advisers — will meet Wednesday with top White House officials to discuss the prospect of imposing a national carbon tax, rather than using federal regulations, to address climate change."

Source: Washington Post, 02/08/2017

"Fighting the Flames of ISIL in Iraq"

"Qayyarah, Iraq - Six months after ISIL fighters torched oil wells in Qayyarah, Iraqi fire crews are still battling the flames. Like a scene from a Hollywood blockbuster, a vast and pervasive darkness hangs over Qayyarah, as toxic black smoke billows from the burning wells.

Oil has been a key source of income for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group, making Qayyarah an important strategic town. Its recapture last August by Iraqi forces was a significant gain in their advance towards Mosul.

Source: Aljazeera, 02/08/2017


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