Energy & Fuel

"Study Finds Fish Face Double Whammy From Acidification, Low Oxygen"

"Fish in the Chesapeake Bay and other estuaries face a greater risk from climate change than previously suspected, a new study suggests, as they’re more likely to become disoriented and die in water that is both starved of oxygen and has become more acidic."

Source: Bay Journal, 05/11/2016

Sanders and Clinton Court West Virginians Hit Hard by Coal’s Decline

"With West Virginia’s economy battered by a coal industry in free fall, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont is hoping that a strong showing in this state’s Democratic primary on Tuesday will keep him a force in the party’s politics by showing that his message still resonates, even though his rival, Hillary Clinton, has an almost insurmountable lead in delegates."

Source: NY Times, 05/10/2016


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