Energy & Fuel

"Natural Gas Pipeline Explosions Prompt Stronger Safety Rules"

"U.S. officials moved Thursday to strengthen safety rules for the nation's 300,000-mile network of natural gas transmission pipelines in response to numerous fiery accidents, including a 2010 California explosion that killed eight people and injured more than 50."

Source: AP, 03/23/2016

"As Coal’s Future Grows Murkier, Banks Pull Financing"

As coal stocks plummet and a growing number of coal companies face bankruptcy, large banks are increasingly taking their money out of coal investments.

"Tens of thousands of miners were on strike and coal prices were skyrocketing in October 1902. Afraid of unrest, President Theodore Roosevelt sought the help of John Pierpont Morgan.

The powerful banker, who held great sway over the coal industry, brokered a deal with the miners that ended the strike.

Source: NY Times, 03/21/2016

NEB Emails Reveal Pattern Of Off-Record Meetings With Pipeline Industry

"It was the Friday before Christmas and Joe Paviglianiti, a senior engineer at Canada’s federal pipeline watchdog, the National Energy Board sent an email to TransCanada Corp. “Sorry in advance for bothering you during your holidays,” he wrote on Dec. 19, 2014."

Source: National Observer, 03/18/2016


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