Energy & Fuel

"Big Cities Scramble To Be Prepared for An Oil Train Disaster"

"They rumble past schools, homes and businesses in dozens of cities around the country — 100-car trains loaded with crude oil from the Upper Midwest. While railroads have long carried hazardous materials through congested urban areas, cities are now scrambling to formulate emergency plans and to train firefighters amid the latest safety threat: a fiftyfold increase in crude shipments that critics say has put millions of people living or working near the tracks at heightened risk of derailment, fire and explosion."

Source: AP, 09/04/2015

Docs: Koch Industries Backed Effort to Undermine Renewable Energy in KS

"Emails and financial documents released by the University of Kansas on Thursday reveal earmarked funding from Koch Industries to develop research used to lobby against the state renewable energy standard."

Source: The Intercept, 09/01/2015

"Obama’s Alaska Visit Puts Climate, Not Energy, in Forefront"

"President Obama will travel to Alaska on Monday to call for urgent and aggressive action to tackle climate change, capitalizing on a poignant tableau of melting glaciers, crumbling permafrost and rising sea levels to illustrate the immediacy of an issue he hopes to make a central element of his legacy."

Source: NY Times, 08/31/2015


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