Energy & Fuel

New Congressional Research Service Reports for Environmental Journos

Congress, you may remember, has exempted itself from the requirements for open government — and that included a ban on publishing taxpayer-funded explainers by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). Thanks to the Federation of American Scientists, you can read them anyway.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Group Wins Suit To Disclose Fracking in Gulf of Mexico

The Center for Biological Diversity filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents on offshore Gulf fracking, and was refused by two Interior Department offshore drilling agencies, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. CBD sued, and the lawsuit was settled June 2, 2015.

SEJ Publication Types: 

AMA Calls for Disclosure, Monitoring of Chemicals in Fracking Fluid

The American Medical Association, the nation's largest professional association of medical doctors, advocates public policies that doctors believe will protect public health. On Jun 9, 2015, the organization said fracking operation information should go not only to doctors, but also to the public whose health may be at risk.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Renewables Could Dominate World Electricity By 2030"

"Renewables could surpass coal, natural gas, and nuclear as the world's top electricity source in 15 years, according to an IEA report. Still, without bolder emissions cuts, the world is on track to blow past its global warming targets."

"Renewable energy could surpass coal, nuclear power, and natural gas as the world’s largest source of electricity within only 15 years, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency.

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 06/17/2015

"Inside the Power Plant Fueling America’s Drought"

Arizona's Navajo Generating Station, the largest power plant in the West, powers pumps that lift trillions of gallons of water out of the Colorado River and carry it 336 miles to fuel growth in Tucson and Phoenix. As the generators spin, they spew more more greenhouse gases than almost any other coal plant in the U.S.

Source: ProPublica, 06/17/2015

"CP Rail Legal Challenge Plunges Lac-Megantic Settlement Into Question"

"A lawyer for the defunct railroad at the center of the Lac-Megantic train derailment said Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. is acting deplorably and offensively by attempting to shut down proceedings to distribute over $430 million to victims and creditors of the 2013 tragedy."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 06/16/2015

"American Medical Association Blasts Secret Shale Records"

"The American Medical Association, citing growing concerns about monitoring and tracking long-term human health impacts caused by shale gas development, is calling for the public disclosure of all chemicals used in the extraction technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or 'fracking.'

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 06/16/2015


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