Energy & Fuel

Church of England Divests From Coal, Tar Sands in New Climate Policy

"The Church Commissioners and the Church of England Pensions Board said they have divested 12 million pounds ($18.42 million) from their investments in thermal coal and tar sands companies as part of an initiative aimed at promoting transition to a low carbon economy."

Source: Reuters, 05/01/2015

"Russia To Power Arctic Drilling With Floating Nuclear Reactors"

"It would sit in the icy waters of the Arctic, and provide a constant supply of electricity to a massive rig drilling for oil. They could be mass produced, potentially cutting the cost of drilling projects. The twist? The electricity on these floating power plants would come from a nuclear reactor."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 04/30/2015

Shell Accused Of Misleading Shareholders on Risks Of Arctic Drilling

"If Royal Dutch Shell’s Arctic drilling program leads to a major spill, it could cost the oil company — and therefore its shareholders — an entire year’s worth of profit, according to a Tuesday legal filing by the conservation group Oceana and a University of Chicago law clinic."

Source: Climate Progress, 04/30/2015

"Duke Energy To Hand Out Bottled Water in NC After Wells Polluted

"Duke Energy, the largest electric utility in the US, has agreed to provide dozens of families in North Carolina with bottled water after state testing found private wells near sites where the company stores coal waste contaminated with potentially toxic chemicals."

Source: Guardian, 04/29/2015

"White House Issues Veto Threats for First Two GOP Spending Bills"

The White House Tuesday issued veto threats for two GOP-sponsored 2016 appropriations bills likely to be taken up by the House this week. One is the Energy and Water appropriation, which the White House says underfunds clean energy jobs programs and contains "ideological riders" such as one that would thwart efforts to protect clean water.

Source: The Hill, 04/29/2015


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