Energy & Fuel

"Brash Drilling Chants Unlikely in State Haunted By Gulf Spill"

"TAMPA, Fla. -- 'Drill, baby, drill!' is over the hill. Four years ago, the slogan was chanted during the Republican convention and strengthened into a resounding chorus by the November election. Since then, the economy tanked, Sarah Palin lost her luster and the worst spill in the nation's history fouled the Gulf of Mexico."

Source: Greenwire, 08/28/2012

"Russia Plays Game of Arctic Roulette in Oil Exploration"

"Thawing sea ice and improved technology is opening up the race for natural resource exploration in the Arctic Circle, home to nearly a quarter of the world's untapped oil reserves. Russia leads the race and has promised to adhere to environmental guidelines. But accidents and other damage resulting from the country's oil exploration tell a different story."

Source: Der Spiegel, 08/27/2012

Texas Judge Gives TransCanada OK To Condemn Land For Keystone Pipeline

"PARIS, Texas -- The developer of the disputed Keystone XL oil pipeline, planned to carry oil from Canadian tar sands to Texas Gulf Coast refineries, may condemn land across a northeast Texas farm for the pipeline's right of way, a judge ruled Wednesday."

Source: AP, 08/24/2012

News Analysis: "Giving Reins to the States Over Drilling"

"By proposing to end a century of federal control over oil and gas drilling and coal mining on government lands, Mitt Romney is making a bid for anti-Washington voters in key Western states while dangling the promise of a big reward to major campaign supporters from the energy industry."

Source: NY Times, 08/24/2012


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