Environmental Health

After Decades Of Pollution, Louisiana Town Rebels Against Chemical Giant

"Robert Taylor isn't sure why he's alive. 'My mother succumbed to bone cancer. My brother had lung cancer,' he ticks them off on his fingers. 'My sister, I think it was cervical cancer. My nephew lung cancer.' A favorite cousin. That cousin's son. Both neighbors on one side, one neighbor on the other. 'And here I am.'"

Source: NPR, 03/07/2018

Enviros Will Sue Over Allegheny Co. Inactivity on Air Pollution Permits

"The Clean Air Council has filed notice it will sue the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency unless the agency forces the Allegheny County Health Department to review and issue long overdue operating permits for many of the county’s biggest industrial air pollution sources."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 03/06/2018

EPA Mapping App Helps Find, Deepen Environmental Justice Stories

As new research reminds us that pollution often disproportionately affects poor and minority communities in the United States, a long-standing mapping tool from the EPA can help reporters explore and discover those environmental justice stories nearest them. The latest TipSheet explains the problem, and walks you through the mapping app.

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