Environmental Health

GOP Spending Bill Provisions Aims To Bar Suits On WOTUS Rule

"House and Senate Republicans have inserted language into spending bills aimed at blocking legal challenges to the Trump administration’s effort to repeal a 2015 water protection rule that gave two federal agencies broad leeway in regulating activities that could affect streams and tributaries."

Source: Washington Post, 12/01/2017

"CEQ, EPA Picks Squeak Through Committee On Party-Line Votes"

"[Wednesday] morning, the Environment and Public Works Committee moved through the nominations of Kathleen Hartnett White to be chairwoman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality and Andrew Wheeler to be deputy U.S. EPA administrator. Both passed on party-line votes of 11-10."

Source: Greenwire, 11/30/2017

Montana Asbestos Court Created To Take On Hundreds Of Unresolved Cases

"The Montana Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered a special claims court be activated for people who have contracted asbestos-related disease or died from asbestos exposure from a now-shuttered W.R. Grace mine in northwestern Montana."

Source: Great Falls Tribune, 11/29/2017

"Monsanto Fails To Shake City Of San Diego In Water Pollution Lawsuit"

"The city of San Diego recently cleared a major legal hurdle in its effort to force chemical giant Monsanto to pay tens of millions to clean up local waterways polluted with a class of cancer-linked chemicals, known as polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs."

Source: San Diego Union-Tribune, 11/29/2017

"Michigan Wants All Lead Pipes Replaced Within 20 Years"

"LANSING, Mich. -- Gov. Rick Snyder's administration is planning to require the replacement of every underground lead service pipe in Michigan within 20 years while delaying by four years a deadline to implement the nation's toughest lead limit for drinking water, in the wake of the Flint lead crisis."

Source: AP, 11/29/2017


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