Pesticide Trump's EPA Refused To Ban Blamed For Sickening Farm Workers
"Nearly 50 farm workers experienced nausea and vomiting apparently caused by a pesticide whose scheduled ban was overturned by the Trump administration".
"Nearly 50 farm workers experienced nausea and vomiting apparently caused by a pesticide whose scheduled ban was overturned by the Trump administration".
"Neomi Rao will play a significant role carrying out President Trump's deregulatory agenda if confirmed to lead the White House's regulatory review shop, experts agree."
"Some of the most compelling evidence linking a widely used pesticide to developmental problems in children stems from what scientists call a 'natural' experiment."
"Northern Michigan's industrial past is returning to haunt the Petoskey waterfront, where environmental and public health officials are going door-to-door to test for poison vapors inside residences built on a Superfund site."
"A pair of Dumfries homeowners have filed suits seeking millions in damages from Dominion Energy, claiming heavy metals seeping from coal ash ponds at the Possum Point Power Station contaminated their drinking water wells."
"The storage project would have brought more gas from Pennsylvania fracking country through New York’s Finger Lakes region. It sparked years of civil disobedience."
"As the state bats around a bill shielding hog farms from some nuisance lawsuits, new evidence filed in court last week finds harmful bacteria on homes near large confinement farms."
"U.S. EPA closed a 14-year-old civil rights complaint against a landfill in a predominantly black community in Alabama last month, telling a federal court that legal challenges over its slow response to the case are moot."
"Problems continue to mount for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. To high unemployment, a lagging economy and billions in public debt, add unsafe drinking water to the island's list of woes. A new study by the Natural Resources Defense Council says nearly all of the tap water available on the island violates federal safety standards."