Environmental Health

"Suit Blames Well Contamination On Dominion's Possum Point Ash Ponds

"A pair of Dumfries homeowners have filed suits seeking millions in damages from Dominion Energy, claiming heavy metals seeping from coal ash ponds at the Possum Point Power Station contaminated their drinking water wells."

Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, 05/15/2017
May 22, 2017

DEADLINE: NPF "Understanding Why Public Health Matters" Fellowship

Over four days, July 16-19, 2017 in Washington, D.C., journalists will learn the connection between chronic illness and social determinants such as housing, food security, livable wages and environmental quality. The National Press Foundation all-expenses-paid fellowship covers airfare, ground transportation, hotel costs and most meals. Apply by May 22.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Law: EPA Quietly Closes Complaint At Heart Of Civil Rights Suit"

"U.S. EPA closed a 14-year-old civil rights complaint against a landfill in a predominantly black community in Alabama last month, telling a federal court that legal challenges over its slow response to the case are moot."

Source: Greenwire, 05/12/2017

Puerto Rico Tap Water Violates Safety Standards, Green Group Says

"Problems continue to mount for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. To high unemployment, a lagging economy and billions in public debt, add unsafe drinking water to the island's list of woes. A new study by the Natural Resources Defense Council says nearly all of the tap water available on the island violates federal safety standards."

Source: NPR, 05/11/2017


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