Environmental Justice

"As Wildfires Rage, California Presses Insurers to Cut Rates"

"Faced with the twin climate crises of historic wildfires and spiraling insurance costs, California on Wednesday laid out new rules to make insurance more affordable in fire-prone areas. But the changes could backfire, experts say — pushing insurers to stop offering insurance in those areas and further imperiling communities on the front lines of climate change."

Source: NYTimes, 09/17/2020

"EPA Postpones Environmental Justice Training After White House Memo"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will postpone training on environmental inequity faced by communities of color and low-income communities following a White House order calling for agencies to stop training involving what it described as 'anti-American propaganda.'"

Source: The Hill, 09/17/2020

"White House Environmental Review Rule Survives Legal Test"

"The White House’s rewrite of environmental review rules is set take effect as planned this month, after a federal judge on Friday declined to freeze the measure. The decision is a victory for the Trump administration’s efforts to speed up approvals for pipelines, oil and gas wells, highways, and other projects."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/14/2020


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