Environmental Justice

"Global Discord Threatens COP28 Climate Talks, EU Commissioner Says"

"The need for agreement to tackle global warming is "higher than ever", but it has never been harder as the geopolitical backdrop complicates international cooperation, the European Union's climate chief said on Monday ahead of next month's COP28 summit."

Source: Reuters, 10/31/2023

"‘Get The Right Cases To The Supreme Court’: Inside Charles Koch’s Network"

"The Koch network, a web of rightwing groups cultivated by billionaire businessman Charles Koch and his late brother David Koch, is spearheading the attack on federal agencies and government regulations that dominates the US supreme court agenda this term."

Source: Guardian, 10/30/2023

High-Risk Reporting Yields Results on Palm Oil Investigation

The devastation caused by the Amazonian palm oil industry was at the heart of an investigation by Mongabay reporter Karla Mendes. But first she had to face hostile sources, intransigent regulators and a robbery attempt. Ultimately, the project not only won a reporting prize from the Society of Environmental Journalists but brought global awareness and government action. Her experience, in Inside Story Q&A.

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New Climate Vulnerability Index Made for Local, Regional Stories

For environmental journalists looking to get granular on their coverage of climate risk, Reporter’s Toolbox recommends a new collaborative effort that integrates dozens of separate datasets to provide insights down to the census-tract level. Because it can also be cross-indexed by subjects like health and socioeconomics, it’s particularly useful for environmental justice reporting. Toolbox walks you through the new Climate Vulnerability Index.

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Author Brings Far-Reaching Insight to ‘The Three Ages of Water’

Leading water expert Peter Gleick’s new book on water’s past, present and future is an ambitious volume that offers a panoramic look at this essential resource — and hope for living in harmony with it in the future. BookShelf Editor Tom Henry calls “The Three Ages of Water” a rare book of breadth and depth, part history and part sustainable remedy. Read his review.

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"Alaska Native Leaders Call For Legal Overhaul To Protect Subsistence

"The crash of salmon stocks in Western Alaska’s Kuskokwim River has sparked a bitter court fight between the federal and state governments, and now Alaska Native leaders are calling for congressional action to ensure that Indigenous Alaskans have priority for harvests when stocks are scarce."

Source: Alaska Beacon, 10/23/2023


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