Environmental Justice

Documentary Tells of Human, Environmental Toll of Unexploded Ordnance

A film by reporting duo Jerry Redfern and Karen Coates — supported by a grant from the Society of Environmental Journalists — shows the ongoing human and environmental harm of the unexploded U.S. bombs and other ordnance dropped on Southeast Asian villages during the Vietnam War. “Eternal Harvest,” which builds on their earlier book on the topic, was made painstakingly over years, and in the latest FEJ StoryLog, the couple explains their process and storytelling approach.

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Lula Stages Comeback To Beat Far-Right Bolsonaro In Brazil Election

"Brazil’s former leftist president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has sealed an astonishing political comeback, beating the far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in one of the most significant and bruising elections in the country’s history."

Source: Guardian, 10/31/2022

"Racial Disparities Beset EPA, State Wastewater Funds"

"As the federal government injects a historic amount of money from the bipartisan infrastructure law into the nation’s sewage and drinking water systems, research shows the money has not historically reached the underserved rural and minority communities that need it most."

Source: E&E News, 10/28/2022


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