Environmental Politics

December 14, 2012

State and Regional Regulatory Trends in Hydraulic Fracturing

This Environmental Law Institute program is the third in a 5-part series, Environmental Impacts of Shale Development and Hydraulic Fracturing: Key Legal Issues and Future Directions, that offers an in-depth examination of the environmental law and policy issues facing companies, governments, activist groups, and citizens who are concerned about this critical area of our nation’s energy infrastructure. Available via telephone seminar or audio webcast. (You do not have to participate in the entire series to benefit from the information provided in each individual program.)

December 11, 2012

E.U. Environmental Law and Policy Developments: The Business View from Brussels

Join the panelists from the Environmental Law Institute and the Kingdom of Belgium for an afternoon of sessions on EU product regulations and climate change policy, followed by a smorgasbord of Belgian cuisine at no charge!


"Frack Secrets by Thousands Keep U.S. Clueless on Wells"

"A subsidiary of Nabors Industries Ltd. pumped a mixture of chemicals identified only as “EXP- F0173-11” into a half-dozen oil wells in rural Karnes County, Texas, in July. Few people outside Nabors, the largest onshore drilling contractor by revenue, know exactly what’s in that blend. This much is clear: One ingredient, an unidentified solvent, can cause damage to the kidney and liver, according to safety information about the product that Michigan state regulators have on file."

Source: Bloomberg, 11/30/2012

"Saudi-Led Oil Lobby Group Financed 2012 Dark Money Attack Ads"

"The 'American' in American Petroleum Institute, the country's largest oil lobby group, is a misnomer. As I reported for The Nation in August, the group has changed over the years, and is now led by men like Tofiq Al-Gabsani, a Saudi Arabian national who heads a Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) subsidiary, the state-run oil company that also helps finance the American Petroleum Institute. Al-Gabsani is also a registered foreign agent for the Saudi government."

Source: Nation, 11/30/2012

Sec. of State Candidate Has Major Financial Stake in Canada Tar Sands

"Susan Rice, the candidate believed to be favored by President Obama to become the next Secretary of State, holds significant investments in more than a dozen Canadian oil companies and banks that would stand to benefit from expansion of the North American tar sands industry and construction of the proposed $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline. If confirmed by the Senate, one of Rice's first duties likely would be consideration, and potentially approval, of the controversial mega-project."

Source: OnEarth, 11/29/2012


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