Environmental Politics

"Hurricane Sandy: What Romney Says He'd Do to FEMA"

"Though the presidential campaigns have been focused on Hurricane Sandy, the politically sticky topic of disaster relief is making its way to the forefront. With Sandy bearing down on the East Coast, supporters of President Barack Obama are saying that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney would gut FEMA, leaving it incapable of handling a massive hurricane or tornado."

Source: ABC News, 10/30/2012

Chemical Industry Uses Wallet To Block Tighter Regulations: Enviros

"In an effort to block a ballot measure in California that would require the labeling of genetically modified foods, shape a Senate race in Ohio with potential repercussions for fracking, and influence a host of House contests key to toxic chemical reform -- the chemical industry has been busy wielding its wallet, say environmental advocates."

Source: ,

Obama And Romney on Environmental Issues: a Grand Canyon of Difference

"Two months after taking office, President Barack Obama signed a historic wilderness bill that banned logging, mining and oil drilling across 2 million acres of scenic federal lands, including the Sierra Nevada, wildflower meadows on Oregon's Mount Hood and vast vistas of California desert."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 10/26/2012

Is Climate Driving Frankenstorm Sandy onto DC as Election Nears?

Although predictions are still iffy, Pepco and other utilities around the District of Columbia and the Atlantic seaboard are bracing for winds and water from Hurricane Sandy. Some experts think the impact of the hurricane itself will be worsened by interaction with a large blocking dome of high pressure.

Source: Climate Central, 10/26/2012


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