"Colorado Air Quality Rules For Oil And Gas Drillers Gets Delayed"
"DENVER -- Colorado regulators looking at new air quality rules for oil and gas drillers are getting more time to set the rules."
"DENVER -- Colorado regulators looking at new air quality rules for oil and gas drillers are getting more time to set the rules."
"The University of California at Berkeley cut laboratory financing this week for a professor who has complained for years about corporate-led retaliation for his association of health risks with a widely used herbicide." The herbicide is atrazine.
"ANGELICA, N.Y. — Questions about the integrity of official water tests are stirring the latest controversy over New York State’s embattled policy of allowing imports of radioactive waste from natural gas drilling operations in Pennsylvania."
"Jimmy Carter put up solar panels in 1979, then Ronald Reagan took them down in 1986. Now the Obama administration is fulfilling a long-delayed promise to put solar panels back on the White House."
"Environmental Protection Agency chief Gina McCarthy said natural-gas production — with the right safeguards -- is a major piece of Obama administration efforts to combat global warming."
"WASHINGTON -- About 200 environmental activists gathered in front of the State Department Monday morning to protest the proposed expansion of the Keystone XL pipeline through the midwestern United States."
"Here comes more bad PR for climate change–denying politicians.
"TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Federal officials are declaring a fishery disaster for Florida's oyster industry in the Gulf of Mexico.
The collapse of the oyster industry last year followed a drought that reduced freshwater into Apalachicola Bay. But state officials have also blamed the lack of freshwater flow due to increased consumption in Georgia.
"WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was 'flouting the law' when it stopped work on a review of the proposed nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain, despite the Obama administration’s insistence that the site be shut down."
"Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron has given his unequivocal backing to the divisive 'fracking' process used to extract shale gas from rocks, risking angering his party's supporters from more rural areas."