Fish & Fisheries

"Fishing Ban In International Arctic Waters Remains Elusive"

"More than a year ago, five Arctic nations signed a declaration pledging to keep their fishing fleets out of the international waters in the Arctic Ocean, an area increasingly ripe for exploitation as summer sea ice diminishes — and perhaps increasingly vulnerable with so little known about its ecology."

Source: Alaska Dispatch News, 12/06/2016

"New Hampshire Looks for Answers Behind Oyster Outbreaks"

"For the past 25 years, researcher Stephen Jones has tried to understand the threat that bacteria may pose to oysters in New Hampshire's Great Bay estuary. He often couldn't get funding to study the problem. But that is beginning to change as scientists notice 'something is going on.'"

Source: AP, 12/05/2016

"Mirroring A Drop In Emissions, Mercury In Tuna Also Declines"

"For years, public health experts have warned against eating certain kinds of fish, including tuna, that tend to accumulate mercury. Still, tuna consumption provides more mercury to U.S. consumers than any other source. But recently, as industry cuts down on its mercury emissions, research has found mercury concentrations in some fish are dropping."

Source: Science Daily, 11/15/2016

"Canada’s Big Dams Produce Clean Energy, and High Levels of Mercury"

"Protests. Hunger strikes. Sit-ins that disrupt construction. At the immense Muskrat Falls hydroelectric dam project in a remote and rugged part of Labrador, the indigenous people who live nearby have been raising louder and louder alarms. But it is not about the dam itself. The controversy is over what will flow from it."

Source: NY Times, 11/11/2016


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